Anxiety by Nietzsche

When reading the book “Anxiety” by Samir Chopra, I encountered this chapter of Nietzsche’s interpreting of anxiety from the perspective of social normals and moralities. It is such an introspective piece that encourages self-reflection.

Nietzsche considered our anxiety to arise from our attempts to be someone other than what we are, selfless bundles of perpetual becoming -— a theoretical view that curiously and ironically aligns his theses with central Buddhist claims. It was this failure of self-acceptance, this inability to take on the world with an optimistic pessimism, that was the ground of our anxiety, that turned us into timorous, cowering cowards, beaten down by that which we could neither change nor accept through the construction of a uniquely personal perspective on life that made this world’s demands tractable. Nietzsche bade us love our fates, calling out to anyone who would listen that we must accept our identities, our stations in life, our anxieties, as parts of ourselves; by accepting the lessons of the classical Greek tragedies, which, he suggested, expressed a stirring defiance in the face of this world’s unsparing requirements, we could acknowledge this world’s horrors unflinchingly and find within them the means to confront existence’s insuperable challenges. In doing so we could find a means of overcoming ourselves, the greatest task of all.


Most centrally, Nietzsche suggested that our anxiety arises because we are in the thrall of a pernicious make-believe, a self-serving construction and arrangement of the world and its affairs posited and established by someone else taking care of their psychic, moral, and emotional needs as the winner of “will to power” among all; like the Buddha, Nietzsche considered us to be in the grip of a formidable illusion, one that made us unhappier than we needed to be. To see what Nietzsche was getting at, note that the world we step into has a history of struggle and contestation, sometimes political, sometimes cultural, sometimes psychological, for power -— into one that suits them, that satisfies their aspirations, that maintains their station in life. It is their constraints, their values, their norms that we are worried, anxious, and guilty about not satisfying. As a damning consequence, our historically constructed social systems of values, morals, and normative constraints create and sustain an acute anxiety (via a terribly afflicting, guilt-inducing “bad conscience”) about not living up to the ideals we imagine regulate our lives. A skeptical critical tradition—going back to Plato’s Republic and whose modern members include Karl Marx and Michel Foucault—has long suggested that such values and ideals are those whose adoption will ensure the continued maintenance of power of the most privileged and entrenched classes. Morality itself -— a specified and regulated code of conduct complete with notions of “guilt” and “wrongdoing,” “good” and “evil”—is exposed as an ideology that suits the interest of the powerful. The conscience it instills in us, the unsparing moral self-critique and examination it urges on us? An invitation to guilt and anxiety.


For Nietzsche, power is a diverse concept; but being able to divert and subsume the interests of others to our own is an acute and visible manifestation of it. (So is the ability to subsume ourselves to ourselves!) If the “weak” can make the “strong” do their bidding—for whatever reason—then it is the “weak” who are actually “powerful.” This is a lesson every cowed employee, every timid, nervous person and citizen subject to abstract and multiply realized power learns painfully. (This is a lesson parents often realized from their stubborn children too.) The man wagging his finger at your minor physical or financial missteps can wield legal or financial or state power, he can bring you to your knees, begging for mercy. So can the controllers of culture, the arbiters of moral taste, for they can make you and your children think in the ways they want you to—and can breed a sense of acute guilt and moral failure and anxiety when we do not.


We will, then, not only suffer like the Buddha suggested, for we are mere human beings confronted with our mortality and limitation, but we will also moralize our suffering—a devastatingly self-flagellatory act—by considering this world’s socially constructed misfortunes either to be the curse of malignant fates and vengeful deities impervious to our prayers, or to result from our failures of choices and blessings. Our anxiety is our profoundly mistaken sense of living a marginal, failed life, one lived on someone else’s terms, all without us knowing that we are doing so; it has arisen from our failure to assert our own will on this world, to make it bend to our needs. This is not a task that Nietzsche imagines all of us as being capable of underdoing; many are the bleating, meek members of the “herd,” and few are those independent, defiant, self-reliant “noble souls” who can break free of the herd’s demands and imperatives.


If conventional morality is exposed by Nietzsche as a pernicious, anxiety-creating ideology, then so are our social and economic arrangements, the desirable roles that they create, and that we fail to fit into. Here lurk many moral, spiritual, and personal failures of self-realization, all while we remain haunted by the cosmic failures of ours only so within a particular religious, cultural, or moral perspective, the handiwork of other humans, “all-too-human” just like us. Nietzsche thus suggests that our spiritual illness, our anxiety, is a function of us failing to find someone else’s “life solution” a viable one for us. But without conventional certainty, with traditional normative values undermined and corroded, we would find ourselves saddled with an awesome responsibility: we must erect new scales for good and bad, new units of measurement, new “tables of values,” and we are alone, with no cosmic guidance at hand. The uncertainty we confront is all-consuming and immense, tremendously productive of anxiety, for where are we to find normative guidance now? Yet, bear this dread we must if we are to step into the new, fearful, yet promising world of intellectual disillusionment.


For Nietzsche, Anxiety was either our reaction to the burden of the world’s normative pressures, for creating a sense of guilt and moral failure, or a reaction to their absence, for without them we were lost and disoriented; in either case, anxiety was our resultant state. This absurdity suggested the liberated state of the one who did not need those values, and was not oppressed by their presence or absence, for he made his own, delivering himself to his own demands, and living his own life. Such a state could be free of the anxiety that possessed the common man, but it was, for that reason, an arstocratic state accessible only to a select few, the ‘noble souls,’ those who could be Übermenschen, or ‘overmen,’ who could rise above the herd, and make an evolutionary advance toward a higher form of life, being to the common man what man was to an ape.


But Nietzsche’s imagined ideals for the good life are aspirational, and we could do worse than try to live our lives like the ‘noble souls’ Nietzsche wrote his works for, for if we did, we would live our lives free of the neurotic fear of disapproval by family, society, and culture, free of the anxiety of losing their love and acceptance, of not gaining their hollow accolades; we would not be racked by guilt just because we were not appropriately deferential to established authority; we would be fully accepting of ourselves, weaknesses and strengths and character blemishes included, as we would take these to constitute our distinctive signature, ours alone, and thereby be delivered from malignant envy and feelings of inferiority; we would disdain devious manipulation of, or sycophancy or servility to, people or ideals; we would realize that while the world lacked meaning, we could construct it and our life in our own unique, distinctive way; we would affirm life to the extent that we would be willing to live this life again and again till infinity as a form of the ‘eternal recurrence’; we would accept our life wholeheartedly, proud and unashamed of all our mistakes, sins, and errors, just as we are of our achievements and medals, for we would realize they all stand and fall together; we would not feel shame or envy or jealousy or guilt or resentment or a desire for retribution and vengeance because these are the hallmarks of the ‘lower soul.’
