Graph Theory
Terminology and definitions
A graph \(G\) is a pair of sets \(G = (V, E)\). \(V\) is the set of vertices and \(E\) is the set of edges.
- Order of graph. \(n = \|V\|\).
- Size of graph. \(m = \|E\|\).
- Density of graph. \(\delta(G) = \frac{m}{C_n^2}\).
- Neighborhood of \(v\). \(\Gamma(v)\).
- Adjacency matrix \(A_G \in R^{n\times n}\). \(A_G(u, v) = 1\), if \(\{u, v\} \in E\).
- Degree of \(v\). \(deg(v)\).
- Degree matrix \(D_G \in R^{n\times n}\). \(D_G(v, v) = deg(v)\).
- A graph is regular if all of the vertices have the same degree. The graph is k-regular, if all the degrees are \(k\).
- Edge-connectivity of graph. The minimum number of edges that would need to be removed from \(G\) in order to make it disconnected is the edge-connectivity of the graph.
- A graph that contains no cycles is acyclic and is also called a forest. A connected forest is called a tree.
- A subgraph \(G^S = (S, E_S)\) of \(G=(V, E)\) is composed of a set of vertices \(S \subseteq V\) and a set of edges \(E_S \subseteq E\) such that \(\{u,v\}\in E_S\) implies \(u, v \in S\); the graph \(G\) is a supergraph of \(G^S\).
- A connected acylic subgraph that includes all vertices is called a spanning tree of the graph. A spanning tree has necessarily exactly \(n-1\) edges.
- The spanning tree with smallest total weight is called the minimum spanning tree.
- An induced subgraph \(G(S)\) of a graph \(G=(V,E)\) is the graph with the vertex set \(S\subseteq V\) with an edge set being \(E(S) = \{\{v,u\}\| v\in S, u\in S, \{v,u\}\in E \}\).
- An induced subgraph that is a complete graph is called a clique.
- Isomorphism
- The spectrum of a graph is defined as the list of eigenvalues (together with their multiplicities) of its adjacency matrix \(A_G\).
- Cospectral or Isospectral. Graphs that have the same spectrum are called cospectral or isospectral. Even nonisomorphic graphs can be cospectral.
- Laplacian matrix of graph \(G\): \(L = D_G - A_G\).
- Normalized laplacian matrix of graph \(G\): \(\mathcal{L} = D_G^{-\frac{1}{2}} L D_G^{-\frac{1}{2}} = I - D_G^{-\frac{1}{2}} A_G D_G^{-\frac{1}{2}}\). The eigenvalues of \(\mathcal{L}\) is always zero. The smallest eigenvalue is always zero, as \(\mathcal{L}\) is singular, and the corresponding eigenvector is simply a vector with each element being the square-root of the degree of the corresponding vertex.
- Line graph. A line graph \(G_L = (V_L, E_L)\) of a given graph \(G = (V, E)\) is a graph where the vertex set \(V_L\) is the set of edges \(E\) of the original graph \(G\) and two vertices \(v_{ij} \in V_L\) (corresponding to the edge \(\{v_i, v_j \} \in E\)) and \(v_{kl} \in V_L\) are connected by an edge \(\{v_{ij}, v_{kl} \} \in E_L\) if and only if the vertex subsets \(\{v_i, v_j \}\) and \(\{v_k, v_l \}\) have a nonempty intersection.